DR. K. CHRYSOSTOMIDES & CO: One of the most reputed Law Firms in Cyprus


Every country needs to have law enforcement to function properly and grow in the right direction. While passing laws is relatively easy, the difficulty countries face is in enforcing them and getting the people of the country to abide by those. Due to its importance in maintaining order in the free world, Law is one of the most reputed and difficult endeavors in the world.

As the litigation culture is booming, people are suing corporations, businesses, and other people to solve their conflicts and avail compensation for damages they suffered. With this much lawsuit frenzy going around the role of big law firms like Dr. K. Chrysostomides & Co becomes crucial and significant to help people with their legal matters.

Dr. K. Chrysostomides & CO is Cyprus based law firm with more than 80 legal experts and paralegals who serve clients from all around the world. We specialize in providing a wide range of services with the help of our advocates and legal consultants. The firm’s area of practices and settlements range from incorporate transport, banks, aviation, land medical care, and many more. Along with this we also offer assistance in information assurance. It is subjected to information assurance law in which we assist both public and global customers.

Dr. K. Chrysostomides has also been actively putting in his expertise and efforts to help with “The Cyprus Problem”.  A large number of our human rights cases involve helping and advising with the ongoing violations of human rights, as a result of the Turkish invasion in July 1974. Apart from human rights, our high-profile cases and settlements have been in business law and international and constitutional law.

Our team has skilled lawyers practicing in around 21 areas that include data protection law, employment and immigration law, Intellectual property law, taxation law, energy law, and media technology law with so much more. While working on intellectual property law, our lawyers ensure the implementation of public and global guidelines which have resulted in high-profile settlements and the safety of our technology clients.

For 25 years, our advocates and consultants with the guidance of Dr. K. Chrysostomides, this firm has consistently focused on carrying the simplicity of assisting with tackling the legitimate issues of its clients. And in this period, Dr. K. Chrysostomides & Co have aided numerous associations and people to settle their lawsuits and lawful issues in various fields throughout the world


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